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Brings back the CloudStorageAccount for Azure Storage v12+

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CloudStorageAccount for Azure Storage v12+.


The new unified Azure Storage and Tables client libraries do away with the CloudStorageAccount that was typically used. This makes migration a bit painful, as noted in:

This package provides a (mostly) drop-in replacement, with source code brought (and updated) from the original location. Just replace the old namespace Microsoft.Azure.Storage with Devlooped and you’re mostly done.

In addition to the legacy, backwards-compatible APIs so projects compile right away with this package when upgrading to v12 client libraries, there are a few newer APIs that are more aligned with the new APIs, such as:

These make it more explicit that you’re creating instances of the new service clients.


var account = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;

var tableService = account.CreateTableServiceClient();
// legacy invocation works too: account.CreateCloudTableClient();

// Can also access the endpoints for each service:


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Clarius Org C. Augusto Proiete Kirill Osenkov MFB Technologies, Inc. SandRock Andy Gocke Stephen Shaw Torutek

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